Saturday, January 19, 2008

Happy Birthday! Poe's 199th Birthday!

Manet's Poe

Edgar Allan Poe

January 19, 1809 - October 7, 1949

Happy Birthday & Rest in Peace!

Poe Forward Mission Statement:

The primary mission of PoeForward is to showcase the work of artists who have been influenced by the mind and work of Edgar Allan Poe. We believe that Edgar Poe, through his editorial criticism as well as his poetry and his multi-genre fiction, created the foundations of all American literature. In addition to performance, we interview contemporary artists, recording their mutual history with Poe. PoeForward combines the past with the present--for tomorrow. Our secondary mission, but just as important, is to present the true character of Edgar Poe, the uncompromising, hard-working, virulent critic and writer, instead of the melodramatic, tortured artist of 19th century romantic mythology. This falsehood has haunted Poe since his arch rival and chief enemy, the Reverend Rufus Griswold, lied about Poe and maligned his reputation in an libelous obituary subsequent to the poet’s death. In the years since, his friends and associates, as well as scholars and historians through to today, have sought to clear his name. Certainly, like each of us, Poe had his demons as well as his troubles with women and alcohol, but rather than dwell on his mortal shortcomings, we endeavor to illuminate his eternal genius.

-Brian Aldrich & David Delgado, Co-Founders of PoeForward Home Page

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