Friday, October 5, 2007

Dr. J.J. Moran Observed Poe's Despair

Poe had shaved his moustache prior to his death.Poe had been admited to Washington State Hospital after being found at a Baltimore tavern in a state "rather the worse for wear." He appeared to be suffering from delirium tremens and was raving at imaginary objects. His cousin Neilson Poe wasn't able to see him, but when he dropped off some linen and supplies the next day, he learned Edgar appeared to be feeling better. On that same day, October 5, 1849, Poe's physician, Dr. John J. Moran, observed his patient's condition upon regaining consciousness.
"Having left orders with the nurses to that effect. I was summoned to his bedside so soon as consciousness supervened, and questioned him in reference to his family, place of residence, relatives, etc. But his answers were incoherent and unsatisfactory. He told me, however, he had a wife in Richmond (which, I have since learned was not the fact), and that he did not know when he left that city or what had become of his trunk of clothing. Wishing to rally and sustain his now fast sinking hopes I told him I hoped, that in a few days he would be able to enjoy the society of his friends here, and I would be most happy to contribute in every possible way to his ease and comfort. At this he broke out with much energy, and said the best thing his best friend could do would be to blow out his brains with a pistol, and that when he beheld his degradation he was ready to 'sink into the earth.'"
--- Dr. John J. Moran to Mrs. Maria Clemm, November 15, 1849

Continued on October 6th Post.

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